Special Feature: RAPSODEE – #RRHP [Random Rap Hip-Hop Project]

Random Rap Hip-Hop ProjectHere is Rapsodee on the Random Rap Hip-Hop Project!!!


ABOUT RRHP: GameMan BeatzJockey in conjunction with El Vision Presents RRHP. Hip-Hop heads definitely need a uniting factor.
Most times memorable moments are lost when captured poorly or not captured at all. The project “Random Rap” is geared towards meeting a unique purpose which is to create capture and deliver an inspiring atmosphere where various artistes (Hip-Hop Heads) work together to express their unique abilities. The project allows an all round cover of events. A walk through all the phases from inception to completion, showing interaction, synergy, arrangement and combination of highly creative individuals as they execute a set task.

The “TASK” Random Rap features 6 outstanding Emcees, extremely good at their craft; These generals (Sokleva, GameMan, Provabs, Wallz, Rapsodee, & Choice)
* “Each artiste drops 16bars of rap on the instrumental”
* Interview session with each artiste
* Joint photo-shoot session
* Interview session with host (GameMan BeatzJockey)

The “BEAT” is the key element, a uniting factor. We bring the studio, the artiste, the beat, the heat, and all the music is about to you. Giving all the chance to see beyond the music. “Its like having you present with us as we execute the set task”. This allows the fans connect with their favorite artistes and also to inspire creativity by showing you how the artistes interact while executing the task.

The Beat is produced by GameMan BeatzJockey, all recording took place at PrimePath Studio and the Sound session is engineered by Okey Sokay. RRHP (Random Rap Hip-Hop Project) is created by GameMan BeatzJockey and is Proudly supported by El Vision.

Twitter handles of participants
@Gamemanmusic – Producer & Host
@Iamrapsody – Emcee
@Iamurchoice – Emcee
@Wallz_wordcykic – Emcee
@Sokleva_Hughes – Emcee
@Provabs – Emcee
@OkeySokay – Sound Engineer
@Elbidiaque – Video Director

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