Gospel music artiste, Ucee Gospel releases a new single titled “Alpha & Omega”.
Ucee Gospel, real name Uche Ojinkeonye is a lady passionate about Kingdom business. She is a professional teacher, homemaker, mother, sister and devoted lover of God.
This song is special and one that would enjoy the longest play by music lovers on earth and in heaven because of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the rich melody.
The reggae/Afro blend is one of the finest sounds of Ucee Gospel featuring Mista Push (reggae crooner).
Jesus is the Alpha & Omega. No dispute.
Alpha & Omega is written by Uche Ojinkeonye, Produced by Frontlinesound, leaders in Gospel music for QUINN (Record label).
Watch video below;
YOU Alpha and Omega
YOU are LORD and YOU are Good
Yes YOU are the ALMIGHTY
I Praise YOUR Holy Name
How Great are YOUR actions LORD
How deep are YOUR thoughts
YOUR Mighty deeds O LORD
Makes me so Glad
Glory, Honour, Adoration
Be unto YOU LORD
Faithful GOD
We Give YOU All
The Glory
We praise YOUR Holy Name
Connect with Ucee Gospel
Facebook handle: facebook.com/uceegospel
Instagram handle: instagram.com/uceegospel