Tosin Oyelakin Premieres Video For Her Single ‘Amazing Grace’ | @TosinOyelakin |

Here comes the much awaited visuals for Tosin Oyelakin’s hit single Amazing Grace which was released at Easter 2017 and has had many testimonies of lives being reconciled to God, and many being reminded of their standing with God.

It is Tosin’s prayer that as we round up the year 2017 to step into a new one, this music video will further remind everyone that it is by Grace that we have been kept safe throughout the year, and to give God all the glory for it. To also look forward to His continued Grace with us throughout the ages.

Do watch, be blessed and remember to share the video so others can also partake of the blessings.




I was so lost till you found me

I was broken till you bound me up

With no purpose yet guided me

You led me to your amazing grace


Amazing grace, how sweet that sound

I once was lost but now I am found

I once was blind but now I can see

Amazing grace, Your amazing grace

Where would I be if You had not found me

Living a life with no meaning

Searching for true love that I’d never find

You brought me to Your amazing grace


You’re always right there when I need You

You never leave nor abandon me

In every season my one constant friend

You bring me to you amazing grace



You rescued me You rescued me

From all of my troubles

You made me whole You give me hope

Now I can say


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