Veteran actor Tommy Ford’s final film, “Switching Lanes,” will premiere on the Urban Movie Channel on 9/15. The storyline revolves around the unlikely friendship between a black girl named Kaneesha (Jamilla Thompson) and her white counterpart Sarah (Victoria Staley). They live in the racially divided fictional town of Summerston, Georgia. The young women forge a strong bond in spite of the strong racial tensions plaguing their community.
Soon, Kaneesha and Sarah discover that their unlikely friendship not only changes their communities but their lives as well. Adding fuel to the flames is a looming 15-year old secret shared by their mothers and the former Mayor of Summerston. Once this secret is revealed, it will test the tolerance of the entire town and Kaneesha and Sarah’s friendship. The film also features noted actors and actresses such as Terri J. Vaughn (“The Steve Harvey Show”), Michael Lerner (“Glee”) Marla Maples (“Executive Decision”) and Kim Fields (“Living Single”). Recording artists such as Fred Hammond, Angie Stone, Wes Morgan and Kenny Latimore all have acting roles in the inspiring film.
The “Switching Lanes” film was produced by documentarian Shannon Nash alongside its director Tommy Ford who is known for his work in the `90s sitcom “Martin” and several other television productions. Raven Magwood and Emmy Award nominated screenwriter Susan- Sojourna Collier, who has written for the soap operas “One Life To Live” and “All My Children,” wrote the screenplay.
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