ToLmusic – “Fights My Battles” | Feat. James Joseph | @tolmusic_, @jamezzzjoseph |

“Fights My Battles” is a medley that reminds us that God is always fighting for us. No matter the challenges we face, His strength is our shield, and His love is our refuge. The songs in this medley are directly inspired by scriptures such as Psalm 18, Exodus 14:14, and Luke 1:37.

As Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Trust in His promises and know that with Him by our side, victory is certain. Let this powerful song lift your spirit and renew your faith in His unwavering support.

The song features Joseph James, a pioneering member of the ToLmusic group, and arranged by Tomayo Berida. ToLmusic is a dynamic gospel music group of young music ministers united by a singular mission: to infuse the Word of Life with vibrant tones.

Embracing the belief that music is a potent means for imparting the Word of Grace to humanity, the group strives to touch the depths of men’s souls with heartfelt melodies and lyrics. ToLmusic’s vision extends beyond mere performance; they are dedicated to nurturing a new wave of gospel artists endowed with the “Tongue of the learned” (Isaiah 50:4).

The full video is out on YouTube, and you won’t want to miss it! Get your dancing shoes ready and get ready for praise and “war-ship” – be inspired!

The song was produced by Hosannie.

Watch Video Below;


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