Nomakhuze teamed up with Gospel- Dance production duo AB Central to deliver a mellow, laidback, but spiritually moving contemporary gospel song titled NEVER CHANGE. This SETE soundalike has a mixture of RnB, AfroBeat and AmaPiano as a soundtrack to the soothing lyrics proclaiming how God never changes.
Nomakhuze Ndabula’s voice switches the listener onto an automatic praise-mode as she encourages those going through difficulties to “hold-on just a little bit”. With stunning visuals to match, NEVER CHANGE has made inroads on TV and is set to do the same on other platforms too.
NEVER CHANGE is now available on streaming platforms;
Let me tell you about the Christ that I believe in Hayi umlilo wamaphepha or uParaffin
I’m talking about uJehova Jireh
The Lord my provider
Ujesu lona ophila kimi
People may change Seasons may change But you’ll never change Lord You are God
Life may be rough yeah Hardships in the evening It might be a tough year Ubusuku nemini
Faith it just a little bit Joy comes in the morning Hold on just a little bit
Help comes in the morning
Let me tell you about the Christ that I believe in Hayi umlilo wamaphepha or uParaffin
Connect with Nomakhuze Ndabula
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