Medford, NY — After 35 years of recording features and background vocals for artists including The 3rd Ecclesiastical Jurisdictional COGIC Shekinah Choir, FAW Celebration Choir with Bishop Frank A. White, Arene Lomax and the Remnant, and Jeff Roberson and NuLife, songstress Lisa Norris-Jackson began writing her own music. In 2023, she released her debut single, “I Am,” and now has a new single “God Kept Me.”
Jackson passionately declares that “God Kept Me” is a song of testimony acknowledging every dark valley experience that God carried her through. “I will never forget that it wasn’t by chance or luck, but it was God who kept me through it all,” she says.
“God Kept Me” features Jackson’s robust vocals set to a backdrop of commanding horns provided by the famed Mo’Horns and a bouncy jazz piano by Matthias Patrick. Jackson delivers an uplifting surge of praise and thankfulness that envelops you, inviting you to celebrate the divine providence and strength encapsulated throughout the song.
Jackson is very humble in her approach to music ministry, understanding that if God gives you a gift, you must use it for Him and not measure it to others. And, if God sends you, He is with You! She serves as Assistant Pastor and Associate Pastor of Music & Performing Arts at the Realm of Agape Christian Church, where her husband Anthony A. Jackson is senior pastor.