RevPee – “You Are So Good” | @revpee234 |

“You Are So Good” is another beautiful song of gratitude to God from the stable of the one and only RevPee. This song is particularly very special because it was written by the “son of  testimony” Jethro Oseghale. When you hear the testimony of Jethro you will truly understand the depth of this song and how of a truth, there is absolutely nothing that is impossible with our God. 

As you lift your voice to declare how good God is, He is going to fill you with the cloud of His glory. 2 Chronicles 5:10 



9 Responses

  1. Well done Rev. Peace…God keep increasing your anointing and inspiration with more beautiful songs in ajesua name.

  2. God bless you sir, for the good work and modelling for us younger once! Together we lift the banner of Jesus everywhere! I love you sir💯

  3. I have always loved this song!

    Thank you so much Rev. Pee for this beautiful work!

    God continue to increase and uplift you sir!

  4. I have always loved this song!

    Thank you Rev. Pee for this beautiful work!

    God continue to increase and uplift you sir!

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