Oyinadun – “Maker Of The Universe” | Feat. Bukola Bekes | @OfficiaOyinadun |

US-based Nigerian contemporary music minister and songwriter Oyinadun released the visual of her brand new single melody titled Maker Of The Universe featuring renowned worship leader Bukola Bekes.

According to her; “Our God is great! He created heaven and the earth and everything there in Gen 1:1, Acts 17:24. He is the ruler of the universe 1 Chr 29:11-12, master planner, He knows us and our destiny before our mother conceived us. He is the most high God and the great king. All that He made speak of His greatness. Halleluyah!”

Oyinadun is an Anointed Gospel Music Minister and song writer who enjoys God’s love and sufficient grace, A living proof of God’s love. Inspirational, worship, praise, soul and folk music.

Watch The Video & Download Audio Below;  


Lyrics: Maker Of The Universe By Oyinadun Ft. Bukola Bekes

Verse 1
You are God, that is who you are
you are king of kings, Lord of lords
maker of the universe
you are king, that is who you are
you are king of kings, Lord of Lords
Ruler of the universe

Elshadi 2×
You are God, maker of the universe
Adonai 2×
You are king, ruler of the universe
Call: We say
Resp: Ohohohohohohohohoh
Call: We sing
Resp: Ohohohohohohohohoh
Call: We cry
Resp: Ohohohohohohohohoh
Call: Let the living praise the Lord
Resp: Ohohohohohohohohoh

Verse 2
You are God, no one like you
Light in the darkness
Mighty man in battle
I am that I am
Beginning and the end
King of glory, ruler of the universe

Elshadi 2×
You are God, maker of the universe
Adonai 2×
You are king, ruler of the universe
Verse 3
Oh Lord, my God
how great you are
how wonderful you are, eeeee
you are robed with honor and majesty
you are cloth in the robe of lamb
you made the cloud your chariot
you ride upon the wings of the wind
you made the sun to shine for the day
you made the moon to shine in the night
at your word all things are created
at your present mountain skipped like a ram

Elshadi 2×
You are God, maker of the universe
Adonai 2×
You are king, ruler of the universe

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