Nigerian Gospel music minister Oluwabukola Ilesanmi returns with another soul lifting single titled “Make My Heart Your Home”.
“My heart, your home which is coming after her well accepted single Out Of My Belly, released earlier this year, is a song borne from the place of intimacy with emphasis on the heart as where Christ will reign.
“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong”.
Ephesians 3:17 (NLT)
It is a song that will make you guard your heart for Christ to find expression in our walk and works, to strengthen our love walk with Christ.
Oluwabukola Ilesanmi (Ibikunle) is a passionate worship leader and a dynamic song writer.
I help Kingdom Citizens ignite their altars and render heartfelt worship to God
She is the Convener of Streams of Worship, a worship meeting with the mandate of bringing men to a posture of sincere adoration from their heart.
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YouTube: Oluwabukola Ilesanmi
Facebook: Oluwabukola Ilesanmi
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Instagram: @bukolailesanmi_
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