Gospel music minister, Olawale Osewa is back with another soul stirring single titled “Mo Juba” a Yoruba language which translates as “I bow” and it features dynamic worship leader Odunayo Aboderin.
Mo Juba is another amazing sound birthed in the place of intense worship. According to the singer, Olawale Osewa, he did not write the song but was received.
The song is not a regular worship song, the lyrics and melody are quite simple with a sound that takes you into the throne room. Mo Juba points to our position in Christ and how God has lifted us to a position of honour in Him.
He further reiterates that, when we worship as believers, we worship in Christ so when God receives our worship, He sees it as Christ’s worship.
“By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”
Hebrews 13:15.
No one can worship the Father like Christ can, and we are the body of Christ so we have a privileged position that warrants a unique sacrifice of praise.
Let this sound stir you to worship not as the angels but with the angels knowing that their worship only compliments yours.
Mo Juba is available for streaming and download on all digital platforms.
Click below link.
Mo Juba By Olawale Osewa – Lyrics
What a privilege to be called sons of God.
As sons, we have access that no one else has, and we can worship the way no one else can.
Verse 1
The angels can’t praise you like me
The four beasts can’t praise you like me
The elders can’t praise you like me
So I give you my praise
The angels can’t praise you like me
The four beasts can’t praise you like me
The host can’t praise you like me
So I give you my praise
Ah ah mo Juba x4
Ah ah mo Juba x4
Mo Juba re (Mo juba re) x3
Mo juba re o..
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Facebook: Olawale Osewa
Instagram: @olawaleosewa