Sisters Erica and Tina Campbell, also known as the gospel singing duo Mary Mary, announced Wednesday via Twitter that their father, Elder Eddie Atkins, Jr., has died. Several sources report that Elder Atkins succumbed to his long battle with cancer. The duo shared this sentiment “our hearts are heavy but we can rejoice knowing our father knew we loved him…” with their Twitter fans.
The multi-Grammy award winners have captivated listeners of all ages with their contemporary gospel songs since their debut in 2000, with the hit single “Shackles (Praise You).” More recently, Mary Mary have made their mark on the small screen, completing a second season of their self-entitled, reality WE tv series.
In the June issue of Ebony magazine, the sisters shed light on several business and personal issues; with Tina addressing how she coped with infidelity in her marriage and Erica explaining her current solo project. The duo is on a recording hiatus as Mary Mary with plans to reunite in 2015; although they emphasized some performances and appearances as Mary Mary will occur. Erica’s single “A Little More Jesus” went on sale June 25.