News: #BringBackOurGirls Gospel Singer Erica Campbell [Mary Mary] Joins Campaign

709435504211896470_22741641Award winning Gospel singer Erica Campbell [Mary Mary] has joined the campaign for the rescue of 234 Missing Nigerian girls. It’s now been two weeks since 234 girls from a Nigerian boarding school were kidnapped by armed terrorists. The singer who posted several messages on her Instagram page to show her support for the missing girls, says ‘We spent all weekend talking about Donald Sterling, did anybody see anything about the 234 Nigerian girls that are missing in the news?? Whenever ignorance takes over the news there is always something important being ignored… #mythoughts

On April 16 hundreds of schoolgirls between 16 and 18 years old disappeared from the town of Chibok, Nigeria. At the time, it was believed that the terrorist group Boko Haram drove the girls into Sambisa Forest, a known criminal stronghold. But new reports indicate that the missing girls may have been transported further out than expected, even outside the country.

“Some of them have been taken across Lake Chad and some have been ferried across the border into parts of Cameroon,” said Pogo Bitrus, a Chibok community leader. Locals in the area reported that many of the girls had been married off to the insurgents in mass ceremonies, while others were sold off as cooks or sex slaves. “It’s a medieval kind of slavery,” Bitrus added.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of these girls and we pray that they will be rescued unharmed. Join the campaign by adding the # (Hash Tag) #BringBackOurGirls to your tweets.

Pray for Nigeria!!!

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