Music: Cwesi Oteng – “Jehovah” [Thy Great Name]

Have you ever been in that realm where you are in the mood of worship then that tears that you can’t actually explain the reason for it starts coming out from your eyes, and then your mouth opens and you start blasting in that language that no man but God can interpret or explain? This is the kind of song that puts in that mood. This is it.

It’s off Cwesi Oteng’s “Mercy Project” Album which is available for download on iTunes

Cwesi talks about the song this way, “A personal favourite on the #MercyProjectAlbum: Jehovah Thy Great Name We Praise. I received this song one day in my spirit one day while driving on the Accra-Tema Motorway and began singing the chorus. When I got home I tried as much as i can to remember the song but it was gone, I had forgotten. 3 days later, the song came again into my spirit on the Accra-Tema Motorway, the exact same spot I got to when the song came 3 days before. This time round I managed to record on my phone while I sang it. Song carries a great anointing and was evident when I ministered it with my team at CEM during the Legon edition of my Campus Tour.
God was teaching me about the mercies and power in His names. No wonder scripture says: ‘…the name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and are saved.’ May you obtain help as you listen and mention His names. His names have special meanings and He swiftly responds when you mention them”.


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