Music: Benjaah Edwards – “Free Indeed”

For him, the journey to doing what he always knew was his calling began in 2010. It begun with his Urban Luo Gospel Music single, “AnenoRwot, (which is Luo for, “I have seen the king.”” The release of this single introduced Eddy “Benjaah Edwards” Atum as a new kid on the block to watch out for. He says concerning the project, “It was a big part of my preparation for the big things that God would later do in my life.” And that single, led to the production of a highly diverse music album, a compilation of songs that he released in the period 2010-2012.

Growing up both in Lira, the Northern Ugandan District and the capital, Kampala, Benjaah Edwards was born to an Anglican father and a Muslim Mother. And concerning that he says, “I used to be a Muslim when with grand mom and an Anglican when with dad. I often thought about heaven, but knew I would never make it there because I could not quite manage to break free from sinning even as a young boy growing up.” Well, thanks to Christ and the preaching of the gospel by many ministers and the nudging of the Holy Spirit, Eddy “Benjaah Edwards” Atum got to accept Jesus in his life.

Currently, Benjaah Edwards is a faithful member of Kampala’s watoto church and serves as a member of the youth band and main church choir. He says, one of his greatest inspirations to work hard as a minister of the gospel through his music is, because he must revenge on the devil by declaring freedom to those who are being held captive, or to those who have not been able to find out that truth.You will notice from his previous works the work of God in this young man. Something about his music will speak to you, and the message will encourage you to a better relationship with God.

When asked what kind of music he does, Eddy “Benjaah Edwards” Atum says “I do music that is very diverse and cannot fall in one genre. However, I may just let you know that my comfort zone is RnB and Hip Hop.” Now from what we’ve heard in his debut project, AnenoRwot, he pretty much does a fusion of all styles of music into African sounds. Ranging from the leading single, Anenorwot, to the song ‘Lalar Dong Obino” which has a remixed version featuring Ojay and Ojara, then to the mellow RnB/Neo-soul in Awero, the music is diverse.

He says, “In my first project, what I did was throw a stone in the bush and then see what comes out.” And throw the stone he did. The Album also features the zouk song, Papa (The Lights Are On Me), which he says was inspired by his life as a minister and as a person who is on a daily road to being who God made him to be. “You hold my everything in your hands, and your promises are true. So true,” echoes the bridge to this particular song.

You will find music which is influenced by the Hip-Hop genre in songs like ‘Never give up-ft Joan Sky’ and ‘The Talk’ which is a skilfully produced by taking different lines/choruses from the Anenorwot project.

With the experience and growth that Benjaah Edwards, who is also now referred to as “The Ugandan Boy,” achieved, he started writing and arranging music from his next project.  He says, “I am being very intentional about this project. I have a message that I have been commanded to put across. I once asked God to set me in a place where I have fully grown as an artiste and that when He did that, I would keep him at the centre. So, yes, this project is intended to bless you.

While you await the unveiling of the album title and track listing, I have decided to let you in on the musical direction I am taking. The first single for 2013 is out and it is entitle Free Indeed.” Enjoy


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