Music: Sivion, Sareem Poems, Kinetik, Sojourn, & Imperial – “12 Bars of Christmas” | @illect, @imperialbeats, @SivionDS5, @SareemPoems, @IAmKinetik, @Sojay |

12-bars-of-christmas-640Just in time for the holidays, rap veterans Sivion, Sareem Poems, Kinetik and Sojourn spit some bars over the Imperial-produced beat for “12 Bars of Christmas.”

Each emcee waxes about their favorite holiday memories as a child centering around Christmas.

Download it for free below…


One Response

  1. Merry xmas to you all pls what is wrong I have been having difficulties downloading songs sent to me as post. Some times I am directed to hulk share but right there, there is no space for download .what is happening ?

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