Music: Robson Galharde – ‘We Will Fly’ [Brazil]

Robson GalhardeRobson Galharde is a Gospel, Inspirational and love songs songwriter/Singer/Performer. Robson Galharde was born in Brazil on 22 April
1978. Galharde is also a Pentecostal Biblical Preacher. Robson has a huge stage/pulpit experience of more than 15 years, played with many bands, preached dozens of Sermons, directed the Church “Deus é Amor” in the Parque das Nações, Santo Andre, SP, Brazil and taught English Language to future Missionaries in Brazil.

Besides that, Robson Galharde taught singing classes at schools in Sao Paulo, coordinated community Choirs. In his short experience in the Army was member of the band of the Army “TG (Tiro de Guerra Santo Andre, SP, Brazil). Robson Galharde discovered he suffers of Bipolar Disorder and Limb Girdle Musucular Dystrohy. Both of the situations don’t avoid Robson to work hard. Robson’s Doctor told him to take a normal life and He has discovered that  it’s really possible.

Robson Galharde desire is to own an album sponsored by a Record label and get a disabled musician’s band to sing play, and preach in Portuguese and in English in churches and all types of venue worldwide. Mainly in USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. About his own health he is very positive and love the words of Saint Paul:

“If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness” (2 Corinthians 11:30).


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