Whad Up by Jubal is a classic Hip hop tune. A blend of the old and the new. Well crafted sounds with bold lyrics jumping right at you.
Fresh on the ears giving you a smooth ride all through. Kingdom talk from an OG with an unapologetic type of approach, delivering the message right at the door of your heart.
Whad Up God’s people, Jubal is here to stay….. Preaching the gospel louder than guns firing and bombs exploding. Bahkyarhd Productions presents Jubal’s first official single. Listen and enjoy “Whad Up” by JUBAL.
Artiste Profile:
Jubal Machismo is a prolific Gospel Rap Artiste and Record producer.
He’s also an ordained clergy with citizen of heaven “The Ark” where he serves as service anchor amongst other duties.
His music centers on helping people realise who they are in the new creation, bringing peace and purpose to his generation.
He occupies the office of CEO Bahkyarhd Productions
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