Music: Blessing Eze – ‘Louder’ | @blessingeze |

Blessing EzeBlessing Eze is a Gospel Singer/Songwriter with a passion for transmitting God’s message and love through songs. She began leading praise and worship at the age of 9 in her local church before going on to assist the music director and becoming a choir leader. Blessing also performed in mass choirs supporting Alvin Slaughter and Ron Kenoly in gospel concerts in the UK.

Blessing writes lyrics that are thought provoking and meaningful, exposing aspects of her personal life experience and sings with great passion born out of her faith conviction. Her life calling, the dream and desire is now within her grasp and by faith, she has taken the leap.
Talking about her debut single ‘Louder’, Blessing explains ‘most times, there is chaos, confusion & negative voices in the mind, a kind of ‘war zone’ – we try to keep the lid on to stop it from boiling over.

However the fight to stay positively afloat gets drowned in the persistent reality of day to day stresses and disappointments. This song determines to the listener to shout praises to God, who IS in control… make it “LOUDER” zoning out the negativity’

‘Louder’ is available on iTunes, download HERE

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