Music: Benjamin Lange – ‘Kuzo’ [Come & See]| Feat. Solomon Lange | @BenjilalaLange, @Solomonlange, @mykephils |

kuzo Benjamin Lange featuring Solomon LangeBenjamin Lange is a gospel artist and a song writer. He started singing at the age of 14 in his local church choir. His musical influence includes Solomon Lange, Jeremiah Gyang, Don Moen and others. He loves to sing in Hausa language.

KUZO is his first single meaning (come and see), it’s a song you should start your day with, filled with testimonies of victory and encouragement. This song is nothing less than a master piece, well produced, written and delivered. Not forgetting Solomon Lange; he killed it once again, with a sweet melody and a powerful presence. Take a Listen.


One Response

  1. beautiful to have people like you, music minister. though most of the time, as we grow and have more opportunities couple with fame & popularity we tend to unknowingly drifts away from our main mandate & callings, if it were. I pray you stay put to stay through & maintain Godliness standard in all both in your music videos, you can cal me: to encourage me & details me on some rightful way to come if you can be part of the supports, ideas contributions: 08034007106. I am GODSFRIEND U PAUL . THANK YOU 4 BEING there ministering blessings d lives of people all over the world. hope to hear from you. from Bayelsa not a Bayelsan

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