Music: Ant Coughlin – “Thru’ the Floor” Feat. Tragic Hero |

ant-coughlin-light-rooms-dark-halls-640The lead single from “Light Rooms, Dark Halls” features Tragic Hero, production by Wes Pendleton, and cuts by DJ Average Joe.

Thru the Floor, featuring Tragic Hero, acts as a follow up/continuation of the previous song. The first verse is written from the perspective of the Accuser (Satan), who waves our failures in front of us, tempting us to believe that God has finally had enough of us and our mistakes; we have exhausted His love and grace for us. When ever I hear this voice, I’ve always heard it as coming from outside of myself–like it’s coming through the floor or the walls.

Tragic’s verse is written from his own perspective, sort of like another look at The Amnesiac’s Memoir. The last verse is written as a call to action, to the doubter, the “guilty”, the accused, to recognize the Accuser for who he is and to instead, look to Jesus:

Somebody called that bluff–show his hand
Whose that fiend behind the curtain–oh it’s him
It’s like it’s always him playing with these puppet strings
preaching we ain’t nothing but just Mumford–no Sons of His in here

before you go and break another mirror–stop
look at His wounds and at that tomb and what He proved with it
where’s the prosecution? Vamoose with it.

Ant Coughlin’s “Light Rooms, Dark Halls” releases July 22nd. Look for it at iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Bandcamp and other digital stores.

Listen Below…

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