Mide Prince – “Faithful” | @MidePrince_ |

This song is basically for those who owe their lives and everything they own to God. This song is for those who have gotten to heights that they never dreamed of. This song is for the ones that realize that God has indeed been faithful even in the face of their unfaithfulness.

This is his second song since he released the “Eze” song in december 2020. Mide is a man after God’s heart. He is a product of God’s grace and he is famous for leading men to worship the God of all grace. Mide is a songwriter, musician, Worshipper and entrepreneur based in Abuja. Mide is married to one wife and is an ardent lover of God.

“Faithful” will lead people like me to worship the Faithful God”. – Mide

Song was produced by OCHE



God my father

God my maker you are

Oh you are

God my healer

God my provider You are

Oh you are
(Somebody raise your voice)
God my father

God my maker you are

Oh you are

God my healer

God my provider You are

Oh you are
I judge you faithful,

Faithful, my God you are

I judge you faithful,

Faithful, my God you are
So, I’ll sing your praise

Your praise,

You deserve my worship, You deserve my praise
So, I’ll sing your praise

Your praise,

You deserve my worship,

You deserve my praise
God my father

God my maker you are

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