Lyrics Analysis is where we try to break down the lyrics of a song. On this edition, we’re reviewing the song ‘I CAN’ by US based Nigerian American female singer ‘Adaora Nwokoye’ which she featured the reggae veteran/ multi award winning artiste ‘Papa San and produced by LexiSugar.
‘ I CAN’ is a song which talks about having faith and knowing everything is possible through Christ as recorded in the book of Philippians 4:13.
Adaora reiterates her faith in God throughout the whole stanza as she kept saying ‘ I can do all things through Christ my saviour. Proclaiming that nothing can hold her down or take her place.
She thereafter gives way to Papa San who dived into reggae vibes proper.
God Him ( a mi ) super boss. – meaning (God is the super boss)
Declare the things ( fi di) will – [This talks about declaring the things you desire]
Him ( gimidi ) mouth (fi)talk
[ He gave me mouth to talk]
Don’t watch my face ( a di ) grace father see (mi) heart
[ Don’t look at my face, he sees my heart]
Chat to your future prophecy
And forget the past. ( No mi nah fi ) worry about the cost.
( mi nuh ) care about the economy. [ I don’t worry about the cost, I don’t care about the economy. This implies not being scares of financial situations as God got them all] Done from gethsemane Christ ( gimidi ) victory the power over the enemy.[ This part means that all power over the enemy has been given unto us from Gethsemane, the very place Christ laid down his life] So ( mi nuh ) follow men Christ ( gimidi) me the power
( Gimidi) the victory God a me super friend [ I can’t follow men because he gave me the power and the victory, he’s my super friend]
No ( mi nah fi )worry about the cost. [I can’t worry about the cost, that is finance]
Easy ( nuh mi ) general.
Let me the hands now for Jesus Christ.
Adaora takes it up from there with several declarations;
No Matter who is president I can do I can do all things
No matter the economy yes I can do I can do all things
Cause who I am, is not dependent on the economy
I can do all things and many more.
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