John Olumayowa – “Hallelujah Jesus Rose Again” ||

Nigerian Gospel singer and songwriter John Olumayowa is back with the release of a Hymn titled “Hallelujah Jesus Rose Again.” As we proceed in the LENT 2025, this hymn is coming out at the right time.

In our understanding of the fact that Jesus fasted for forty days, and this season of Lent is meant to lead us into a season of remembrance of what Christ came to do for all humanity. This soul lifting hymn is to keep you near the CROSS and in total submission to CHRIST as our SAVIOUR. The hymn starts with Christ beckoning to us to come and proceeds into telling us to further come in order to experience what He came to do for us. This is a life He wants us to live daily, carrying His cross always on our shoulders everywhere we go. The hymn further leads us into being crucified on the cross with Him, buried with Him and also resurrected in Him. This hymn is to give us assurance of a place after death and a life after here.

Bro John Olumayowa is a believer, redeemed disciple of Jesus Christ both in acts, life and teachings. He is a servant unto Christ in the ministry called House Of Tephillah. The ministry focuses on Discipleship from various aspects. This hymn is released by Tephillah Records, a branch of the ministry that focuses on music ministry. This hymn can also be found alongside other music projects on the houseoftephillah website.

In his approach regarding the background of the hymn, bro John Olumayowa talked about the background of the song, “this song came as a reflection of the experience I am having as Christ keeps consuming me and replace the me in me with Himself. I have seen the necessity of the simplicity that we have in Christ and the beauty that we have as we go back to the cross daily to be crucified. This is the life I want to continually live that death should continually be at work in me and thereby presenting the life of Christ to people.

Brother John Olumayowa will be releasing a Single Song, “Angels Come” after this release and then promises another hymn afterwards.

Hallelujah, Jesus Rose Again is now available on all major streaming platforms. Add this hymn to your hymnal list for your daily walk with Christ.


On the way to Calvary
My Lord beckon to me
Softly softly I heard His voice
Calling me to come
On the journey I heard Him say
Give yourself to me
Gently gently He is calling
So that I may hear

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

As we journeyed to Calvary
As He took my shame
Higher higher I felt groaning
That was in His heart
Daily daily I have promised
Never to forget
Testimony of the Lord
Who died for all my sins

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

At Calvary when the soldiers
Were nailing my king
I could not stand watching my
Master die for my sins
I surrender everything to Christ
My Lord Saviour
That I may be crucified with
Him on the Cross

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

On the Cross with
Lord my Jesus
My old self was dead
That I may have new nature
In Christ forever more
Buried with Him in the tomb
That I may be renewed
With the mind of Christ
I might be pleasant to my God

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

Victory victory is the song
That fills my whole heart
With this New Life I am free
From all the claims of sin
Daily daily I will be a
Sacrifice to God
Pleasant pleasant is the smell
Of my sacrifice

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

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