Forever was born into drug addicted family; the day he was delivered, his mother was using cocaine. He was taken from his parents at birth, by the hospital, and his mother stole him back from the hospital. He lived on the run with drug addicted parents until he was four months old. After the mother was arrested for stealing to survive, the authorities made his father give him to the authorities where he was then placed in foster care until he was two years old. That is when he was adopted into a beautiful family from Long Island.
Although Forever was given all the things a child could want, he grew up feeling very unaccepted and broken. Many behavior issues plagued his childhood from ADHD to an extreme need for attention. He knew he was adopted by the age of six and when kids in school found out, they teased and bullied him leaving him scared and scarred.
At the age of sixteen, Forever started to hang out in clubs and was constantly in gang fights. His life took a turbulent turn down hill. After a near death overdose, Forever decided it was time to for a change. He sobered up and is now leading a life of gratitude, love and acceptance. His dream and vision are to use his story in the music industry, mainly the Hip-hop genre to help the youth and others that are walking in the shoes he once wore.
Forever is willing to travel across the country to share his music and his story.
Here is Forever with this track he calls ‘I’m Still Here’ Featuring Danielle Naney