Gospel Music Minister, Olugbenga Taiwo Releases New Birthday Song | @OlugbengaTrise |

Beyond the regular and familiar, we often seek for more creative ways to make the birthday of our loved ones special and memorable. 

It was this thought that birthed the Song “Happy Birthday to you”. Olugbenga Taiwo fused the New and Old  in jolly birthday song laced with prophetic prayers , a special rendition he did for his beloved wife on her birthday.

“Happy birthday to you” a simple, yet loaded beautiful song that adds colour to the celebration of loved ones on their once in a year special day.


Stream on AudioMack HERE


Call and Response

A new season is upon you

(A new season is upon you)

I see a fresh and bigger you

(a fresh and bigger you)

God’s presence overshadows you

(God’s  presence overshadows you)

We thank Jesus for saving you





ni eeOlojo ibi

Happy birthday to you

Call and Response

A new season is upon you

(A new season is upon you)

Behold a fresh and bigger you

(a fresh and bigger you)

God’s presence overshadows you

(God’s presence overshadows you)

We thank the Lord for saving you





ni eeOlojo ibi

Happy birthday to you

(Call and Response)

Today is your day

(Happy birthday to you)

Child of the Almighty

(Happy birthday to you)

Apple of God’s eye

(Happy birthday to you)

I say God bless your new age 

(Happy birthday to you)

Healthy and wealthy Happy Birthday 

(Happy Birthday to you)

Highly Blessed and favoured.



Olugbenga Taiwo is passionate to see men transformed by the extravagant grace of Jesus & liberated by His prevailing Truth, en-graced in his core in the use of the Word and Music to call men into intimacy with God, in spirit and in truth.

Connect with Olugbenga Taiwo

Instagram; olugbenga_taiwo

Twitter: @OlugbengaTrise

Facebook; Olugbenga Taiwo

2 Responses

  1. This is a beautiful birthday piece, kudos to Olugbenga Taiwo. The voice is so rich and strong. Greater grace for God’s glory!!!

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