GodFrame’s “I’m Alive” Video Premieres on Rep Da King Mag | @RealGodFrame |

(Atlanta, GA) — The word humility is rarely used to describe a hip hop song, but it’s absolutely the right word choice for GodFrame’s “I’m Alive,” the fourth single from his latest album Hello Jesus. On the song and video that premiere today on Rep Da King Mag, the Atlanta-based CHH artist admits that he’s imperfect and his salvation is solely the result of God’s grace.

“One point I wanted to emphasize in verse two was the fact that our new life in Christ has nothing to do with our efforts, good conduct, power or abilities,” GodFrame explained about the song produced by K.Agee. “It’s all Jesus, period. I added that message for every Christian (including me) who’s ever believed that their salvation is predicated on any of those things. There is real freedom in knowing that we’re saved by grace, not by our own works.”

The music video captures GodFrame performing in rooftop and street settings in downtown Atlanta. “I’m Alive” is also one of the first songs he recorded for Hello Jesus. After a two-year hiatus since his 2014 release All My Friends – EP, the former Youth Pastor for Smokie Norful’s Victory Cathedral Worship Center was ready to return to recording during the summer of 2016. His new management encouraged him to make three demo songs and “I’m Alive” was one of the tracks; unfortunately, the process did not go smoothly.

“This was the first time I actually had to put effort into creating lyrics and recording a full song,” GodFrame said. “Admittedly, the first drafts were kind of ugly. I was out of practice, both with my writing and with my singing/rapping.” With encouragement and support from his management, he moved on to other songs. “About a year later, I rewrote the lyrics and recorded the final version of the song which turned out great in my opinion,” he added.

“I’m Alive” follows other Hello Jesus singles, “Forever Always” featuring Chadaé and the title track.

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