Gospel music minister, songwriter and recording artiste Fola Amoo is out with a new music project titled “Jehovah Shamama” (JAMA 1.0).
In 2021, Fola Amoo released a single titled “Bayethe Nkosi” featuring TWC records artists and award winning music producer Tkeyz. She is back again in 2022 to bless the world with this new sound.
According to the artiste, the phrase is derived from the Hebrew word sham which means ‘there’ Jehovah Shamama-The Lord is there Ezekiel 48:35 means God’s presence is with us, the Lord is among us, though there may be many troubles but because the Lord is with us, He has not abandoned us, there shall be restoration, God our heavenly father is always present and attentive to our needs.
These worship songs declares the wonders of God as we acknowledge the one behind the happenings in our lives
They are Holy Spirit inspired songs with a blend of South African Zulu language and English and they were recorded live at Sound and Beats studio Lagos.
I believe God for you that after listening to this song, your life will not remain the same.
Download, listen and share!
Watch video below:
Streaming Link: https://folaamoo.fanlink.to/JehovaShamama
Udumo malube kuwe-ee
Udumo malube kuwe ( All the glory must be unto you x2 )
(We thank you)
Udumo malube kuwe
…L:Igama lenkosi Malibongwe
Response:Malibo …Malibongwe Malibongwe igama lenkosi
(We must give thanks to Jesus name
Give thanks, give thanks
Give thanks to the name of the Lord)
Moya wami uthi Yebo
Uthi Yebo (My soul says yes)
Uthi yeeebo (says yes)
Moya wami uthi yebo
Uthi yebo Nkosi yam( To your will)
Sikwendza mkhulu baba 4x
( We glorify your name)
Olorun Toda awon oke igbani eyin ni MO fi ope MI fun. Ta ni motun gbega oh biko se baba like, Tani won tun fi ope MI fun, olorun Toda awon oke igbani eyin ni mofi ope MI fun.
We lift him higher, higher higher, when the praises goes up, his glory comes down.
Connect with Fola Amoo on:
Instagram: @folaamoo
Twitter: @fola_amoo
Facebook page: Fola Amoo
YouTube: Fola Amoo
Titok: @folaamoo