The Gospel Music genre is built on the foundation of great choirs and choir music. A great choir has authentic delivery and the ability to engage a congregation in worship and establish an atmosphere of praise. One of those great choirs of today is Eddie Robinson and Springfield-Conyers hailing from Springfield Baptist Church in Conyers, GA where Eric Wendel Lee is the Senior Pastor. The thriving church boasts a dynamic music ministry that has released a new album – HOW GOOD THE LORD IS! This album is Springfield’s contribution to the renaissance of choral and congregational singing in Christian worship.
“Foremost among all of the biblical expectations of the church is to provide leadership in Christian worship. Post modern changes in culture and worship styles have unintentionally diminished the role of the choir and congregation,” says Senior Pastor Eric Lee. “Our prayer is that these songs will proclaim and explain the gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that facilitate Christian GROWTH.”
Eddie Robinson is Minister of Music/Director of Worship and Arts at Springfield Baptist Church and is no stranger to gospel music as he is credited with writing many gospel hits. Eddie’s collection of hits include “He Meant It For My Good” (Dottie Peoples), “What He’s Done For Me” (The Gospel Music Workshop of America), and “He’s In The Room” (Patrick Lundy and the Ministers of Music). With Eddie’s brilliancy in songwriting and directing, Springfield-Conyers delivers this album in the spirit of a great Gospel Choir as each song is crafted in excellence and wrapped in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
“HOW GOOD THE LORD IS captures the essence of the music ministry of our historic church,” Eddie Robinson shares. “This project offers songs that can easily be placed in worship services of churches across the nation. It is our desire to help the choir remain an integral and important staple in the worship experience.”
Springfield Baptist Church is partnering with Jemison and Associates to promote and release HOW GOOD THE LORD IS. “We are very excited about the new partnership we have with Eddie Robinson and The Springfield Baptist Church Choir,” says Roderick Jemison, CEO of Jemison and Associates. “I realize how important music is to the Sunday morning experience. This project will take you on a incredible journey of what Sunday morning music should encompass.”
HOW GOOD THE LORD IS is available now on all digital music outlets.
One Response
I would like the CD “It’s All About the Baby” I purchased the book. I cannot find the other songs. Only, “It’s All Aboout the Baby” “Immanuel” and “Wasn’t That a Mighty Day”