Bose Adeyemo – “Onibu Ore” ||

Bose Adeyemo, the US-based Nigerian singer releases a powerful song of praise and thanksgiving titled “Onibu Ore.”

“Onibu Ore” was offered in Yoruba Language [spoken in the Western part of Nigeria] which translates to “one with bountiful blessing,” or “one with inexhaustible goodness.”

This is a song of praise that acknowledges God as the One with inexhaustible blessings and sufficient provision. His goodness towards us never ends as long as He is still God.

Just like many of her songs, Onibu Ore by Bose Adeyemo will put its listeners in a state of thanksgiving with unimaginable dance steps.

Bose Adeyemo is a songwriter who is passionate about using music to communicate God’s greatness to the masses.

She has in her discography “Ogo Jesus” and “Ogo Logo Jesus” which have recorded lots of positive reviews from across the globe.

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