AUDIO: Natty P.R.O.F.F. – ‘Promiscuous’ | @Nattynoscrappy |

proIt’s undoubtable that God is very interested in all- even seemingly ‘unspiritual’ aspects of our lives, like “love, Relationships, and sex”, so we don’t go experimenting with our youth and altering His plans. He expects us to see, approach, & correct with love (as He would do) promiscuous folks around us, and when we forget, let His promise cue us.

Rather than pointing accusing fingers, or taking advantage of such people, if they disrespect themselves show them who they’re supposed to be. So Natty P.R.O.F.F. has ‘Rapped up this piece to enlighten as many guys n’ grrrlz as would listen… This is certified dope trust me; skillful, & loaded y’all gotta’ hit d download button. Le’go!


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