Anthony Kani – “What A Beauty To Behold” ||

Versatile Nigerian gospel music minister Anthony Kani is out again with yet another amazing song titled What A Beauty To Behold.

The song speaks of the awesomeness, mightiness and the goodness found in the person of Jesus Christ.

Describing the song and revealing the inspiration behind the release of the song, he said; “The Holy Spirit is calling us at this time to a place of safety, rest & peace amidst the turbulent season we currently live in, but this will only become our reality when we learn to fix our hearts on the awesomeness & beauty of Jesus in deep worship.” 

With this song, it is his prayer and desire that through this sound millions of people across the globe will have tangible encounters with the person of Jesus and fall helplessly in love with Him and also experience unusual miracles.

Watch video below;


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