Music: MaSterkRaft – “New Day” Feat. Frank Edwards, NOSA

One of Africa’s most notable producer Masterkraft features Frank Edwards and Chocolate City singer NOSA on his new single “New Day”. This song celebrates life and a positive prayer for the day; something that should sit well with the young and the old. Download and tell us what you think about the song.


9 Responses

  1. Amazin! Rich boi, i really luv ur songs….u r my favourite artist n i feel xo mch joy wenever i listen to ur music….indeed God use u in his own way

  2. the way a person dress truely identify who that person was, so frankedward’s mode of dressing is so scared, though i love his songs, but what impact will people draw from him as a gospel singer.

  3. frank, you are a talented gospel singer, God gave it to you to served and worship him alone, so dress in a Godly way cause your outer apearance indecate also inner one.

  4. Your music has been a blessing to me, May the Lord richly bless you as you sing for His glory. Abia Raymond- Cameroon

  5. richboi i realy love ur songs n even evrytin abt u of how god is makin gud use ov u, i pray dat one day god will make gud use oiv uis lyk u.. our impresser

  6. richboi i realy love ur songs n even evrytin abt u of how god is makin gud use ov u, i pray dat one day god will make gud use ov us lyk u.. our impresser

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