Today 1st of October marks the Independence Anniversary of Nigeria, and what better way to celebrate it than with a lovely song from the RockTown boss himself with this brand new single he titles ‘God Bless Nigeria’. Happy Independence Anniversary Nigeria.

48 Responses
It’s exactly the kind of songs we need at this critical moment of our nationhood. God bless you and answer the prayers of ur heart….we shall all live to see and enjoy the nigeria of our dreams in Jesus Name….. Amen.
Another Awesome Hit Franky…..
God Bless You Bro…
you are sent from haven.keep it up and up, i love you
I lyk the song…l enjoy it doesn’t apply to Nigeria only,even to my country Zim…Thanks to you Frank…you produce the kind of music l want.wen l listen to your songs l’m satisfied no doubt abt it!
you are just d best, more strength, i luv ur song, pls bro. Kip it up.
Wow Franky this is splendid Sir.
We really need this,cos of d aesthetic of nigeria…God bless nigeria,bravo franky.
bro frank your songs are the best among the rest, love yours songs ecxpecilly okaka. Keep it up brother
i love d song so swt
we salute you christian baler
I love frank’s music they drive my thoughts
to a nice place God bless u
i love u so much for writting this song to we Nigeria
oh!, Franklino I love your style. thank God for using you to design this track for Nigeria, keep it up! .
lovely song Frank….. U the best
I love u frank ’cause u love GOD & ur country keep it up
ure d voice of change in our generation.urw 2 much.
ure d voice of change in our generation
ure d voice of change
in our generation
dat was a lovely one….frank..
that was wonderful and exceedingly great
God bless you frank, it’s indisputable fact the we still the benefit you music…..each time I hear your music it gives me joy to my life…………your music really bring joy to my life…thank you so much,God bless
kip on kiping up God blez
He’s my music mentor. I’m looking up to him. oh my my what a song . very meaningful and great.
Don’t really know y I love ur muzikz so much, they give me joy n hope anytime I listen to them…keep it up frank…love u so much!
datz wat nig. nidz nw
I love your songs
U too much Franklin. Keep it up
I love this guy like mad
This is a song that brings hope back to Nigerians. May God anoint you afresh… On behalf of #J.I.V.T Praise#, we say we love you, and we Love Nigeria… Please keep up the goods works and we pray that the hurdles of life won’t divert your attention from Christ in Jesus Name. (Amen)
great man, good job
BR frank I luv u sir. ur are inspirations to me, you are the best gospel musician in the world. I luv u
BR frank I luv u sir. ur musics are inspirations to me, you are the best gospel musician in the world. I luv u
is music is a revelation that you heared from the spirit direct
Franklin…if wishes were horses begger will ride….I jst wish I could sing with you,neva d less ur songs are wonderful…..keep it up ,may GOD inspire u more.
We love you so much and that all e want 2 say.
man, d songs realy inspirational… God bless ur ministry
God bless you. you are a blessing to the world especially Cameron.
9ce song! U r d best gospel artist 9ja has ever produced. When ever i hear d noise going on in d gospel music industry, i feel sorry 4 many people. May God use u 2 restore d m-industry 2 normalcy. Keep blessing us with lovely songs. God bless u Boss Frank!
Frank, I wish I came jst sit down with u evryday and watch u sing. God will take u places, love u so much.
U are 2 much my bross we are praying 4 ur more effort
ma bro, franklin,this a fabulous one,succinctly… I can’t rely wait for that day I’ll sing with you…its gonna be a dream come true, love you loads
u do well more efforts and kudos,and God bless u and our great 9JA
Remember salem church,i will like to join u.
haven’t heard de track but I’m certain is gonna be dope.U inspire mi frank.Ur songs r soul lifting and also medicine to de heart.
Nice song. This is just what we need now!! Kudos F. Edward
Hi frank i love ur songs,may God bless u,
my dream is to be ur dj sumday
Hi Frank my dreams is to be like you may God Bless u with a new songs,I love ❤ herein your songs